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General Advisory Committee (GAC)

Join our GAC

The Sno-Isle TECH General Advisory Committee (GAC) is made up of community members that are currently working in the industry that matches one of our 24 programs. The mission of the GAC is to equally represent all of our 5 career pathways hosted at Sno-Isle TECH by having current industry partners meet 4-5 times annually. Being that Sno-Isle TECH focuses on industry standards, we love to hear from our local industry and business connections to keep our programs state-of-the-art. This better prepares our students for their post high school pathway. During the GAC meetings topics such as program approvals and updates, current industry needs, and general advice/guidance will be discussed. GAC members to get share their voice, be involved in our school as a whole, and help prepare students for their future! If you are interested joining, please email Wes Allen, Director at