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Dental Assisting

Dental Assisting

About the Program

Would you like to be considered a professional right out of high school? Dental Assisting is a fascinating blend of health, science and people skills. Students gain experience in many employable traits such as teamwork, communication, and technical skills for their successful transition into the dental profession. The program includes pre-clinical and clinical sciences combined with hands on experience in our onsite dental clinic! You may discover your passion for dentistry and continue your education to become a dental hygienist or dentist.

All health class students need to declare proof of insurance for internships.

Pre-requisite: Successful completion of Biology and Health classes.


Download DA Syllabus

  • Dental Assisting
  • Dental Assisting
  • Dental Assisting
  • Dental Assisting

Meet the Instructor!

Dental Assisting Instructor

Hi, I am Kelly Beebout, the Dental Assisting instructor for Sno-Isle TECH Skills Center. I am excited to be here and share my passion for dentistry with you. I have over 20 years of experience in the dental field; assisting dentists in General Dentistry, Pediatric Dentistry, and Orthodontic Dentistry. I am a Sno-Isle TECH alumni, graduating the Dental Assisting Program my Junior year in high school. Right after completing the program, I hired on as a part time assistant, which led to a full-time position, and I never looked back.


Are you interested in dentistry? Are you fascinated with teeth? Do you have a passion to help others, and enjoy putting a smile on people’s faces? Are you organized, and enjoy things in their proper place? If so, Dental Assisting might be the program for you.


Here at Sno-Isle TECH you will learn the basics of the dental field and have an opportunity to work with patients in our very own state of the art dental clinic. Second semester, you will also have an opportunity to work outside of the classroom clinic, interning for another dental practice. Who knows where that might take you? You may never look back either.