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Welcome to Sno-Isle TECH ASB!


ASB (Associated Student Body) at Sno-Isle TECH is a bit different than at our sending high schools. At Sno-Isle TECH the ASB consists of Elected Executive Officers and a Class Representative from each program, for both AM & PM sessions. ASB is a chance for students to engage in leadership opportunities on campus, while attending school here. All activities, fundraisers and community service projects managed by the ASB, take place during the school day. No additional leadership class or before or after school commitments are required to participate.


Do you want to run for ASB office!?


Available Executive Officer positions to campaign for:


ASB President

ASB Vice President

ASB Secretary

ASB Treasurer

ASB Yearbook and Social Media Representative

ASB General Advisory Committee (GAC) Representative


Elections are held toward the end of September, once school has started and students have had a chance to get to know each other, their programs, and their teachers. First meetings are in October.

Election forms and information will be accessible in September. For more information, please email the ASB Advisor: Theresa Hausmann.

ASB Elections for the 24-25 school year will begin in late September!


Sno-Isle TECH hosts elections for Executive Officers. Due to the makeup of our campus, our elections are also a bit different than those at our sending high schools. We do not have the space for an “All School Assembly” to meet with the entire student body, so we designed a different way to campaign for Sno-Isle TECH students who are interested in running for office! We do not allow for posters and SWAG to be given away by our nominees prior to the election. Rather, ASB Officer nominees are required to write, and video record a campaign speech, indicating their desired office and why they believe they would be a good candidate. Nominees must also have a permission form completed to run for office. Elections are held simultaneously in each program via recorded videos and Google Sheet election form.

The Executive Officers lead our General ASB meetings, activities, and community service projects. They are responsible for various duties required to make our meetings run smoothly and in accordance with ASB State rules. Executive officers are strong leadership positions that require attendance and participation at a monthly Executives planning meeting and a General ASB meeting with all class reps.

ASB Officers and Class Representatives are the voices of the school! Class reps report back to class on the happenings of the ASB, and bring concerns of classmates to the ASB meetings.


If you have questions regarding Sno-Isle TECH ASB, contact Theresa at