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First Day for Sno-Isle TECH!

Welcome back everyone! We hope everyone had a wonderful summer, we are very excited to meet all the new students that will join us this year at Sno-Isle TECH. Our first day of school will be Thursday, September 5th. If your school has not started yet by that date or you have questions regarding when your high school will begin sending students to Sno-Isle TECH, please reach out to your sending school for further details. 

If you are a student for this 24-25 school year and have not yet completed your registration with the Mukilteo School District in order to attend Sno-Isle TECH, please complete this prior to your first day. If you have any questions regarding registration with the Mukilteo School District, please call our main office at 425.348.2220. 

We look forward to seeing you!

“Turning Career Dreams into Working Realities.”

Sno-Isle TECH Skills Center is a public school in Everett, Washington that offers state-of-the-art technical training for high school students in their junior and senior year within Snohomish & South Island Counties. We offer a variety of 24 different programs within 5 different career pathways. Sno-Isle TECH is a cooperative effort of 15 local school districts to provide training, certification, high school equivalency credits, and post-secondary credit to students. 

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Located near Paine Field in Everett, WA, Sno-Isle TECH is a cooperative effort of 15 local school districts. The purpose of skills centers like Sno-Isle TECH is to provide preparatory training, certification, and post-secondary credit to students, who can then choose to continue their education, go straight to work, or both. Occupations are organized into "pathways" based on characteristics of the job.

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